Toyoland Maintenance Service

Toyoland is a private Toyota and Lexus Maintenance and Fix Service in Ikitelli Area.

Toyoland has experienced and certified Toyota Specialists in its private company and provide better prices and quick services for your needs.

Our specialist uses electronic devices to locate the problem in your vehicles and recommend the solutions with very affordable prices.

Toyoland is located in Ikitelli Industrial Area and check the map for the exact location. Please call us for your questions and make appointment for your service needs.

We additionally provide Valet Service for you if you do not have time to bring your vehicle to our garage. After serviced, we return your vehicle to your address.


We provide the best available solutions in the market and satisfy our customers with affordable prices and duration of services for Toyota and Lexus vehicles. based on our knowledge, experience and focus on the development in the industry of automobiles.

We love and care our partners, employees and customer to have long term relation and business continuity, and care and try to increase social values.

We use and protect our resources and provide ongoing training for our fellow workers with aim of keeping high service quality and exceed the expectation of our customers.

Customer RevIews

We are trying our best to be a company that gives confidence to its environment with its employees and corporate structure that adopts continuous development (kaizen), change and innovation.

To maintain the peace of mind of entrusting our customers with the most reliable and quality service.

On the other hand, to be respectful to people and the environment together with quality service and to constantly improve our current working conditions and ourselves.

Toyota - Lexus Özel Servis

Toyoland Otomotiv Ailesi olarak tecrübemizi ve deneyimli servis çalışanlarımız ile siz değerli müşterilerimize hizmet vermekteyiz. İkitelli Başakşehir'de 350m2 kapalı alanı olan tesisimizi sizler için uyarladık.

ToyoLand Müşteri Memnuniyeti

Özel Servis olarak en son teknolojiye uygun sistem ve ürünleri kullanarak otomobilinizin bakım ve onarımını gerçekleştirmeye aynı zamanda müşteri memnuniyetini sürdürmeye devam ediyoruz.